Prussian freight wagon - Gml 11 430 Berlin
Leading the way in freight wagon development
Around 1890, the state and private railroads in Germany had more than 430,000 freight cars. The different designs of the vehicles make it difficult to use them together across national borders. The Prussian Gml freight cars were among the first to be procured across state lines.
The Prussian state railroad procured the cars under the designation Gml starting in 1895. A few years later, they served as the model for the Gm/Nm freight car association type. Between 1910 and 1927, this type was procured by all state railroads in Germany, with a total of over 120,000 vehicles.
The standardization of wagon types was intended to facilitate the joint use of the freight wagon fleet by all member railroads. The German State Rail Car Association is therefore redesigning the eleven most common freight car types. With the exception of a few changes, the model sheet A2 of the German State Railroad Car Association corresponds to the old Prussian type Gml.